The Murder of OPI Vampsterdam


Welp folks, it happened and no matter how much I try to deny it. I just can’t, I killed it….

There was an “incident”  that involved OPI’s Vampsterdam with beige carpet, white tile, white grout, and white baseboards.  So naturally what’s the first thing you do?

Freak out and ask, “What am I gonna do? How the hell am I supposed to get this out!?”

And the first thing I did was grab a purple hand towel to clean it up so there would be less evidence of the scene of the crime.  Then I quickly grabbed nail polish remover and acted fast to get as much as I possibly could off the tile and grout.  With partial success the nail polish remover took most of the spilt polish up; however now the problem remains that I have stained carpet and baseboards.

So I hurriedly went to the kitchen to grab Clorox wipes and rushed back to the scene.  I frantically tried wiping the tile, grout, and boards down but no such luck; just a terribly “clean” smell.  And at this point I’m starting to lose steam and to just accept the fact that I spilt nail polish everywhere so I decide to go over and pull out some more nail polish to finish the job.  After all I did have my entire left hand painted, complete with base coat.  So the only other polish I had that was deep purple was of course, OPI’s Lincoln Park After Dark.  I painted my right hand with my left (very awkwardly might I add) and then realized that I was foolish for thinking that no one would notice that my right hand would be a different color than my left, so I repainted over the left hand.

Now having both hands perfectly polished I went to my laptop still in a stupor from the crime I had committed.  How would I cover it up?  What would happen if someone saw?  What would I have to pay from the crime I just committed? Murdering a brand new bottle of polish, fresh out of the bag I had just purchased only a day ago….

I began frantically searching the web to see what I could do to clean up and pretend like nothing ever happened.  I stumbled upon a website that had told me some of what I had already tried.  Nail polish remover.  Yeah, I used it but it wasn’t enough. I still had traces and I needed to cover my tracks.  Then I found tips suggesting that hairspray and keeping the area wet would help followed by scrubbing with a tooth brush…. I was desperate, so I tried it.

It helped minimally and I felt dizzy from the aroma of nail polish remover and hairspray so I will continue my hunt in the morning.  I was told Goof Off & OxyClean works…but it looks like I lost this round and will have to paint the baseboards.  I will post to let you know if anything worked…

Sadly under the circumstances, I must say that Vampsterdam is a beautiful color…on nails, just not all over my bathroom floor and carpet. But I must say that I really like Lincoln in the Park After Dark because it is such a deep rich purple and I think it would look fantastic on any complexion.